On October 4-5, 2019 Iohahi:io students Tori Gray
and Kennedy Lazore of the General Arts and Science Program participated in a 24
Hour Think-A-Thon at the Goethe-Institut in Montreal. Each 24 Hour Think-A-Thon
takes place in two cities at the same time, one in Canada and one in Europe,
for a total of six 24 Hour Think-A-Thons. This was a unique opportunity to
influence policies to achieve an inclusive digital society. Tori and Kennedy
were able to connect with other driven young people from Canada and Europe to
share opinions on how to build a future society in a modern digital context.
Outcomes from the 24 Hour Think-A-Thon will be shared with European and
Canadian policymakers to make sure their voices will be heard.
Their Think-A-Thon was between the Canadian city of
Montreal and the European city of Brussels and focused on Digital Citizenship
4.0. This particular 24 Hour Think-A-Thon aimed to shape the citizenship of
tomorrow! Technological advancements are constantly reshaping our understanding
of the world. The concept of citizenship is shifting as our environments become
more and more digital. The students were asked to take these technological
changes into account and discuss and develop recommendations to form and impact
an inclusive digital society.
“Our digital future, c’est ICI” offers youth
a new platform for a debate that addresses our digital future in a holistic and
positive way, and focuses on creating inclusive digital societies with active
citizens. This transatlantic, youth digital engagement project, organized by
the Goethe-Institut Montreal, ThinkYoung and Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi NDG.
The next Think-A-Thon will be centered around
Social Relations and will be held between the cities Edmonton and Milan.
-Jacey Rourke